Emergency Communications

911 dispatch ops

The Johnson County Emergency Communications Center (ECC) serves an area of approximately five-hundred and fifty square miles in suburban and rural Johnson and Miami counties. The ECC dispatches more than forty-thousand calls per year to Fire and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) for fourteen departments.

Johnson County is one of eight counties which makes up the metropolitan Kansas City area. Each of the county’s fire departments have implemented automatic aid agreements with the other departments for both fire and critical medical calls. Satellite technology installed on most of the units allows ECC staff to dispatch the closest ambulance and fire unit to calls.

Our Mission

The professionals of the ECC dedicate ourselves to providing the essential connection between the community and emergency services while doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason.


We identify our customers as those individuals in our service area who are in need of emergency or administrative public safety services. We further identify our customers as those public safety agencies, and their employees, to which we provide support through a direct communications link.


We acknowledge the professionalism of our employees and commit to providing a work environment that empowers each employee to exceed expectations.

Communications Network

We will continue to strive for conformance with the highest standards of public safety communications through the application of state of the art equipment and through research of evolving technological advancements.